Our little Bo man turned 5! We can't believe how fast time goes. He will be going into Kindergarten this next fall. He had a great birthday. He got to come and eat school lunch with mom! Mike and I got him a batting helmet, batting gloves, a bag, and a bat and balls. Mike got a Red Devil pitchfork to put on the helmet so now he looks like the high school boys that his daddy coaches. He also got lego's, army men (which he loves), a bow and arrow, money, toy car, a movie, and PJ's with flip flops (which he won't take off). Mike is out in the backyard with him right now practicing baseball. We are going to put him in the t-ball leauge in Mapleton. He loves baseball.
Lamecia and I decided to take the kids sledding on one of the hills just outside the condo in Island Park. We thought it would be so fun :) it was for a minute. Then the kids started crying becuase they had to walk back up the hill, they were fighting over the sleds even though we had 8 sleds for 7 people. We had Taylor and Saige in time out for fighting, DJ was tired and crying, Marley was cold because she didn't have a hat on, Sam was... well Sam (whining), Boston was having fun until we had to walk all the way back to the car and Bailey was just Bailey pleasant. At one point Lamecia and I were just sitting at the top of the hill and we looked down and all of the kids were sprawled out at the bottom either just hanging out or crying. We both started to laugh. We both agreed it was a GREAT idea to take all of these kids by ourselves out sledding :)
We saw 2 moose while we were snowmobiling. The kids thought it was cool to see 2 moose up so close (so did all of the adults:)! What a beautiful scene.
We are having a blast in Yellowstone. We have done so much. We are here with the almost all of our Ewing Family. Every year we come to Island Park (just outside of Yellowstone Park) to relax in the condo's, snowmobile and swim at the clubhouse. These pictures are of one of our snowmobile trips to Big Springs to feed the fish, ducks, and muskrats.